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Day 4 Isa Koi Farm continued...

Netting_pond_2.jpg  Isa_Checking_Sex.jpg

Afer my selections were made from the first pond , it was only a matter of minutes when pond number two was ready , these koi would be checked for females after i had made my final choices.

 Isa_Female_Jumbo_Tosai_No_1_Aprill_2018.jpg     Isa_Female_Jumbo_Tosai_No_2_April_2018._jpg.jpg    Isa_Female_Jumbo_Tosai_No_3_April_2018.jpg 

Isa Female JT 32cm         Isa Female JT 29cm     Isa Female JT 28cm

Isa_Female_Jumbo_Tosai_No_4_April_2018.jpg    Isa_Female_Jumbo_Tosai_No_5_April_2018.jpg

Isa Female JT 30cm         Isa Female JT 30cm

These five Isa Jumbo Tosai Females are priced at £1200 each very high quality , all have motoguro , excellent sumi placement and good body shapes.

The final pond was also Jumbo Tosai located at another Koi House this pond would also need to be checked again as the Koi only arrived a couple of days ago. These were my final choices , as with all these koi they have good body shape excellent sumi and beni placement and Female. These koi are priced at £1495 each.

Isa_Netting_Pond_3.jpg Isa_checking_sex_2.jpg

 Isa_Tategoi_Jumbo_Tosai_No_1_April_2018_.jpg   Isa_Tategoi_Jumbo_Tosai_No_2_April_2018.jpg   Isa_Tategoi_Jumbo_Tosai_No_3_April_2018.jpg

Isa Tategoi Showa 32cm      Isa Tategoi Showa 30cm   Isa Tategoi Showa 28cm

This had been a superb day at Isa Koi Farm and with the Koi purchased on my previous trip it will be one of the biggest shipment of Isa Showa to date.




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