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Day 7 Uedera Koi Farm and a New opportunity !

Day 6  Uedera Koi Farm and a New opportunity.

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After the 90 minute drive to Uedera Koi Farm from my Hoel in Okayama it wasnt long before a pond of High Quality Tosai was netted. After a couple of hours these koi were chosen for pattern and long term potential.


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Unfortunately not all the videos came out well you will have to just trust me on the quality of these koi and their potential. I have bought many Koi from Uedera over the years and he is well known for his Gin Rin thses koi , offer great value and you will see alot of change in these koi after they finish quaratine.

I will post more on this day tomorrow and information on a new opportunity for me in Japan. to be continued......

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From Uedera it was back to Okayama where I now have a superb opportunity to grow my own Koi in mudponds. Soon I will be able to offer customers the opportunity to leave their Koi in Japan to grow and i will then be back in October to harvest them. As you know i follow as many Koi as i can to observe their development , many of these koi you will have seen on my website development section and on my Facebook Page. Now i have the chance to grow koi in Japan and the UK. Very exciting times ahead.

I will post more details of shipment dates as soon as i can and also more information on the INC koi . I have not posted all of the koi on the blog so there will be many more to see in a few weeks. Hope you enjoyed the blog , this is the first part of my winter / spring trips. Check out my FaceBook Page and website to get more information on future trips and Koi shipments.


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