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Airbus A380

 This is one of the most busiest trips i have had in a long while, starting with the Dainichi Auction ,my flight to Japan started in an unexpected way as I booked the flight and just assumed the plane i would be on. I was surprised and pleased to find that Qatar Airlines had now introduced the A380 Airbus to the schedules , a plane i had hoped to travel on sooner. A fantastic plane in every aspect the quietness of the flight is amazing!.


Taro Auctioneer   Auction 1


The Auctioneer in this picture is Taro from Oya Koi farm , i will be meeting with taro in a few days and is one of the best breeders in Niigata for Asagi.  The Auctioned continued throughout the day with a break for lunch , the koi  ranged from mixed bowls of Tosai to large 70cm plus gosanke. Many Female Jumbo Tosai were classed as special by Dainichi. No harm trying for a couple of these but ended unfortunately missed out.


  Auction Kohaku 1  Auction Kohaku 2


The two Koi I was bidding for , the rest of the afternoon was spent sitting on my hands as i couldnt trust myself not to bid on a few more. With a visit to Dainichi in a few days I managed to get through the rest of the afternoon budget still intact.

Isa and Nogami

Two breeders you may recognise , if not you will see them again later !!

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