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FOK Vio Mineral G 3kg

Rating: Not Rated Yet

Price: £54.95


FOK Vio Mineral G is the finest and most refined quality clay in the World. Japan has never produced a more superb product and the first time you use it you will recognise why it is the best money can buy.

FOK Vio Mineral G disolves entirely into solution unlike most other ”clays” and can never co-agulate in pipework and drains, unlike most ”other” clays. FOK Vio Mineral G is certainly the Rolls Royce of ALL clays on the market.

FOK Vio Mineral G revitalises lost minerals in ponds especially after summer. By regularly replacing these important minerals, Koi will become much healthier. Furthermore FOK Vio Mineral G improves water clarity, increases oxygen solubility and improves mineral content.


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