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NT Labs MediKoi Growth 3 kilo 6mm Pellet

Rating: Not Rated Yet

Price: £29.99


NT Labs Medikoi Growth Koi Food has been scientifically formulated to provide the optimum level of healthy but rapid growth and low waste.  The high protein level of 40% is partnered with a relatively higher oil content of 7.3%.  The oil provides the energy source so that the maximum amount of protein can be used for growth but not too high as to cause oily slick on the water surface. This highly digestible formulation ensures that there is much less waste as more of the food is metabolized by your fish. 

For best results feed NT Labs Medikoi Growth Koi Food in the warmer months when temperatures exceed 12 C and in conjunction with the Nt Labs Medikoi Health & NT Labs Medikoi Beauty Koi Food programme.  NT Labs Medikoi Growth Koi Food can be used instead of Medikoi Beauty in the feeding programme.

NT Labs Medikoi Growth Koi Food is available in 3mm Junior and 6mm floating pellet.

NT Labs Medikoi Growth Koi Food contains: Fish Meal, Soya, Wheat, Maize

NT Labs Medikoi Growth Koi food has been formulated with a higher protein level for rapid growth. At the same time the formulation will produce relatively less waste than other foods.


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