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Japan April 2016 Day 1

April Koi Hunting 2016

Day 1  Marudo  ( Hisashi Hirasawa)

With a very busy trip planned  I will do my best to post as many of the Koi purchased as I can. First stop was Marudo for some superb Female Jumbo Tosai , over the last few years these have sold very quick and I was looking forward to see what i could find this year. When I arrived Hisashi Hirasawa was still bringing some of the Koi to the main Koi house so checked out some of his non go-sanke and purchased some very high quality Chagoi and Yamabuki , all female and 35-40cm.

Marudo Yamabuki 35 40cm  Marudo Female Chagoi 35 40cmjpg

I may go back for a few more of these as the quality and price is very good , and being female could easily grow over 90cm if you can feed them enough !

With no sign of Hisashi san , i can only think he was reluctant to sell these Koi , I went to Marusei Koi Farm for a few more larger Yamabuki and Chagoi plus a few Red Eyed kigoi on order and Hi Utsuri. Below are some of the koi purchased.

Marusei Sansai Chagoi Marusei yamabuki Sansai Red Eyed Kigoi Marusei

Sorry no Chagoi videos but they have superb scalation , great bodies and coming from Marusei can grow huge !!

A few more nisai were purchased varieties including , Hi Utsuri , Shusui , Asagi , Chagoi , Yamabuki and Aka Matsuba. I have only posted a few of the Koi purchased here.

DSC 7770 DSC 7271

I will add more Koi tomorrow , please check out my Face BooK page as Koi are added to these and videos alot quicker than on the Blog, you can find Face Book link at the bottom of the Homepage.

Some of the Marudo Female Jumbo Tosai Purchased today.

1 Marudo Sanke No 1 36.5 cm  2Marudo JT Kohaku No 2 32cm  3 Marudo Sanke No 3 35 cm

Tomorrow I will be at Nogami Koi Farm , where he has some superb Kohaku for me , after the last few years success with Nogami

Kohaku I am looking forward to seeing what I will bring back to the UK.











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(c) Koi Waterlife Centre 2017