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British Drum Filter


British Drum New Pic 1   British Drum New Pic 2

Now fitted and running at our shop, this unit is the BD300, 70cm x 80cm. Features include 60 micron screen filter, control box with cleaning settings, cleaning counter, manual nozzel test, pump and UV supply, automatic bypass, safety cover. This unit can be made to suit your requirements with many options for pipe feeds and returns it can also be fitted at 150mm above water level. Depending on the flow required there are 4 sizes to choose from. The unit above is using a 20,000 litre pump , pumping approximately 3,000 GPH over a PS3 Protein Shower .

More information on the British Drum and some of its features.

The drum has been designed on a 3d cad system to ensure all the parts fit as designed  and the pinion gear is printed on 3d printer in hard plastic. 

The Drum is made from 316 Stainless Steel and the polypropylene is UV Stable and chemical resistant.

The main gear is cut from 6mm polypropylene using high pressure water jet cutting to ensure good gear strength, with exact gear meshing.

Digital Display 2 pg  Digital Display 1jpg

The Digital PLC control gives the user lots of information on cleaning time and counts all written in house with software to take this further. 

This PLC can be connected to mobile devices like android or apple for remote viewing and control, the PLC will control pumps and UVs for there safety in case the unit should run dry, but has built in fail safes in the program.

Accessing your Drum via a tablet is easy , install a Dongle to access your Drums software. Download the correct App to your tablet and access the Dongle. Your Drum screen will appear , from here you can remotely set your Drum and access data..

Tablet and dongle  alt

Tablet and Dongle                                  Remove the Dongle cover from main panel

alt alt

Insert the Dongle                                                Access the Dongle via your Tablet.

For any more information regarding larger Drum sizes and Prices contact Koi Waterlife at kwc-jpn@hotmail.co.uk

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(c) Koi Waterlife Centre 2017